Easy Activities for Boosting a Senior’s Mood
Seniors are at risk of depression and feeling lonely or isolated.
To keep this from happening, make sure you join your parents in mood-boosting activities on a regular basis. When planning activities, try to focus on ways to get your parent out of the house and into the fresh air and sunshine.
Establish a Garden
With patio planters or a raised bed, your parent can start gardening without having to dig up the yard. You can purchase DIY raised bed kits that are quick and easy to assemble. If your parent would rather garden in large pots, five-gallon buckets work well for many vegetables.
Your parent will have a reason to go outside. Plus, there is a sense of satisfaction when a plant starts producing vegetables. Growing vegetables at home also can save money on weekly groceries.
Go Orienteering With the Grandkids
Orienteering is a sport where people or teams race to find a hidden object. You use a map and compass to find the hidden items. When you get there, you write your name, write down the next coordinates, and put the hidden box back. It’s a good way for your parents to teach your children how to read a map and compass.
Families can gather and do self-led orienteering in any park or forest where orienteering courses are mapped out. There are permanent courses found throughout the U.S. Going as a family allows you to go at your own pace and not bring in the race aspect. If your mom and dad really enjoy themselves, there are clubs that hold regular orienteering events and competitions.
Learn to Paint
If you need an activity that is good for both indoors and out, look into painting. Your parent doesn’t have to have any skill. You can put on a Bob Ross video and have your parent watch the video while following his instruction. Your mom or dad could also paint anything that comes to mind or use splatter techniques to create an abstract work of art.
Arrange for Regular Companionship
If your parent is down, look into the services home care professionals offer. Companionship is one of the many options. Your parent has someone coming to the home daily or weekly. While doing household chores, your parent has a person to talk to. When chores are done, they can play board games together or watch a movie. Discover the full range of home care services by making a call.